Josh French walks into Cottage Grove Ice Arena, a black and purple Minnesota State hockey bag slung over his shoulder. It’s one of the many Twin Cities rinks the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis seminarian frequented while he grew up. Today, the former Division I hockey player and professional prospect is meeting his older brother for an early-afternoon skate and a trip back — and forward — in time.
Jesus is quoted in the Gospel of Matthew as saying “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me (chapter 25, verse 35).” It’s these type of humbling, sometimes uncomfortable situations that have become a key component of early seminarian formation – aimed at bringing a man outside of himself so he can become better disposed to discern whether God is calling him to the priesthood.
Matt Birk grew up just over a mile down Cretin Avenue from The Saint Paul Seminary. Yet the former NFL center turned Minnesota renaissance man never thought he’d be spending much time inside the seminary’s walls.
Any honest leader will admit it’s a gig that comes with stress. Fr. Joseph Taphorn found one way to manage it: running the various paths and trails Memorial and Elmwood Park in Omaha have to offer.
Sixteen players, 24 seminarian fans and five priests made the five-hour drive to St. Francis de Sales Seminary in Milwaukee for the fourth annual De Sales Invitational Feb. 9-11. The event has become one of the seminary’s favorite traditions in a short time.
When seminarian Anthony Olmes made the excruciating decision to walk away from college football and focus more on his faith, he thought his playing days were over.
Fr. Brian Gross brings a wealth of pastoral experience to his new role at The Saint Paul Seminary. The priest of the Diocese of Bismarck will become the seminary’s next director of pastoral formation this summer.
There are a variety of values naturally developed when we participate in sports – discipline, teamwork, perseverance, and honesty, to name a few. These values are essential on the playing field, but also contribute to the firm foundation of a well-rounded and virtuous life, the kind of life we aspire to develop in our seminarians, deacon candidates and lay students.
This February, seminarians from 13 different seminaries came together for the fourth annual De Sales Invitational basketball tournament located in St. Francis, Wisconsin.
The Saint Paul Seminary joins the Diocese of Rapid City and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in mourning the passing of Bishop Peter M. Muhich, who passed away Saturday, Feb. 17 at the age of 62. “In trusting his diocese’s seminarians to The Saint Paul Seminary, Bishop Muhich quickly became a great friend […]