Joyful Catholic Leaders Show: What do these guys learn at the seminary, anyway?

The road to the priesthood is known in some circles as a long, arduous academic haul. While this isn’t entirely inaccurate — just ask one of the men taking 128 credits in 4-6 years — there’s a lot more to it than that.

Dr. Christopher Thompson, academic dean at The Saint Paul Seminary, joins the Joyful Catholic Leaders Show to talk through what a man learns on his journey from disciple to seminarian to priest. Thompson also shares some of his own story of faith, including oversight of the lay graduate theological programs that are available at the seminary.

Produced by The Saint Paul Seminary, the Joyful Catholic Leaders Show shares stories and insights from those who lead with faith — from the seminary, to the parish, to the classroom, to the office, to the sports field and everywhere in between.

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