Upcoming Events
This is the first of four Newly Ordained Formation Evenings hosted by The Saint Paul Seminary Institute for Ongoing Clergy Formation.
This is the first of four Recently Ordained Formation Evenings hosted by The Saint Paul Seminary Institute for Ongoing Clergy Formation.
Recent scholarship has emphasized the way Paul’s teaching reflects his identity as a Jew and a Pharisee. Rather than seeing himself as a “former Jew,” the Apostle identified himself as a Jew, proclaiming that Jesus brings to fulfillment Jewish expectations for a coming Messiah and New Covenant.
If you are considering a vocation as a permanent deacon, your first step is to attend a Deacon Discernment Day.
The Pastor Workshop is an intensive program designed to help pastors realize their full potential to create and lead vibrant parishes.
Recently, there has been a rediscovery of the “royal” priesthood of all believers, as we are all called through our baptism to be priests in the High Priest, Jesus Christ. Some are even going so far as to think that the more familiar notion of the “ordained” priesthood was merely an invention that came about later in the church and was not established by Jesus Christ.
This is the second of four Saint Paul Seminary Institute for Ongoing Clergy Formation Newly Ordained Formation Evenings.
The Saint Paul Seminary Institute for Ongoing Clergy Formation and the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis Office of Worship […]
Presented by Father John Burns and Sister Miriam James Heidland, S.O.L.T.
This day is designed to stimulate and help deepen communication, understanding and clarity about the opportunities deacons and pastors have as men of communion in ministry.