Catholic School Leadership director to present at national education conference

dr pam patnode speaking
Dr. Pamela Patnode, director of The Saint Paul Seminary’s Certificate in Catholic School Leadership.

Dr. Pamela Patnode, director of The Saint Paul Seminary’s Certificate in Catholic School Leadership, will join Catholic school teachers and leaders from around the country and the world at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) 2022 Convention April 19-21 in New Orleans.

Patnode, who previously served as dean of women for Chesterton Academy, was selected as a NCEA Convention 2022 presenter from hundreds of proposals submitted by educators in 91 dioceses throughout the country.

“What an honor and joy to be selected as a speaker for the NCEA National Convention,” Patnode said. “The topic of working with Hispanic/Latino students and families is dear to my heart, and I am prayerful that my presentation will be both informational and inspirational.”

Catholic schools have a history of success with Latino students. Why? What are successful Catholic schools doing to achieve these outcomes? This presentation will share the practices that work best.

“Pam has always strived for excellence in Latino formation,” said Dr. Nes Rotstein, chief strategy officer for Twin Cities-based Catholic Schools Center of Excellence. “Only exceptional educators combine virtue, intellectual curiosity, diligence, and humanity as masterfully and consistently as she has.”

About the convention

NCEA 2022 Convention will bring together Catholic school educators to learn from experts in the field, collaborate with peers and return to school with actionable insights. This year’s in-person and virtual event includes live and on-demand sessions across relevant topics in Catholic education: data literacy, mission and Catholic identity, governance and leadership, curriculum and instruction, serving all students and operational vitality.

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