Watch: Saint Paul Seminary Catechetical Institute sends forth lay missionaries in Saint Paul-Minneapolis


As part of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis Synod (“You Will Be My Witnesses”), every pastor was called by Archbishop Bernard Hebda to appoint 12 missionaries from his parish to form a “Synod Evangelization Team.”

The training to go out and spread the Gospel included attending The Saint Paul Seminary Catechetical Institute’s School of Discipleship program led by biblical scholar Jeff Cavins.

May 20, 2023, marked the culmination of seven weeks of studying and prayer to learn how to become an “activated disciple.” More than 2,400 faithful gathered at Williams Arena at the University of Minnesota for Mass, inspiring talks, a calling of the Holy Spirit and Eucharistic Adoration before being sent out.

The event was a key kickoff moment to launch the implementation of Synod priorities for the Archdiocese.