Future Offerings

Pastor/Principal Workshop

The pastor and principal form the leadership team of the parish school. Their relationship is key to a successful parish school community that meets the faith-life and academic goals of a Catholic school. The pastor is uniquely qualified to support the principal as a spiritual leader. Workshops provide an opportunity to deeply explore their roles and how they can offer mutual support to build connections between the parish and the school. The ultimate goal of the parish school is to assist the family in guiding their children to heaven.

Continuing Education

School leaders work in an evolving environment where new knowledge and skills are regularly required. The Institute for Catholic School Leadership’s continuing education offerings will address contemporary topics with presentations and workshops by academic and practitioner leaders in the field, which will align with Archdiocesan professional development expectations.

Academic Conferences

The Institute for Catholic School Leadership will be the locus for academic conferences that address important questions related to Catholic education today. Leading academics will present research and discuss the practical implications for school leaders and teachers.


The Institute for Catholic School Leadership recognizes that research is at the root of best practices in all professional disciplines. Action research conducted by educators within the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis and empirical research conducted by members of the university community will be highlighted. The institute will provide the collaborative space for researchers to share and support studies that specifically address the challenges of contemporary Catholic education.