With Christmas approaching, members of The Saint Paul Seminary Schola sing excerpts from their 2021 Advent and Carols performance.
Williams’ priestly resume includes serving as vicar for Latino ministry and on The Saint Paul Seminary and Saint John Vianney College Seminary board of trustees.
Why would a young, outgoing guy ever willingly choose to pursue a life of celibacy and simplicity?
“There’s so much brokenness in the world today. We need joyful, Catholic leaders to be present in the world.” – Rector Father Joseph Taphorn
“I’m a person who loves adventures,” Cozzens said. “To me, this is a great, new adventure … for the sake of the Gospel.”
Bishop William Joensen of the Diocese of Des Moines recently celebrated the installation of 16 acolytes at The Saint Paul Seminary.
While the problems of this age are no secret, the answers can be found via strong leadership formed in a seminary setting.
The propaedeutic year is a year of discernment for men who feel called to the priesthood before they enter the rigorous studies of major seminary formation.
Saint Paul Seminary Rector Fr. Joseph Taphorn explains what goes on behind the scenes at the seminary.
Even an introductory conversation with Selenski reveals that just about everything about him is big.