Institute for Diaconate Formation

Committed to the New Evangelization, the Institute for Diaconate Formation forms men to become joyful, permanent deacons within the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Through these ordained servants, Christ transforms parishes, families, communities and workplaces in the Twin Cities and beyond.

What is a deacon?

Deacons are ordained clergy who are living, sacramental icons of Christ the Servant. These men function both in and beyond parish ministries in service of the Word, Sacrament, and Charity. Married men can be ordained permanent deacons.

The path to the diaconate

  1. Attend a Deacon Discernment Day
  2. Participate in The Saint Paul Seminary Catechetical Institute
  3. 5 years of aspirancy and candidacy
  4. Ordination and 6-month internship
  5. Assignment to mission
  6. Lead and serve
  7. Ongoing post-ordination formation
deacon eric cooley saint paul seminary

Deacon Eric Cooley
Director, Institute for Diaconate Formation

From the director

"All of the baptized are called to a life of service in following Jesus Christ, who came 'not to be served but to serve' (Matthew 20:28). The Lord calls some men, as Pope St. John Paul II said, to 'sacramentalize the Church’s service' as permanent deacons and thus image to the world Jesus’ own radical self-emptying in service of the Father. Through this ordained ministry, the Holy Spirit continues to build up the Church through proclaiming the Word, ministry of the Liturgy and in carrying out the works of mercy in Divine Charity. If you are a single or married man who senses that the Lord may be calling you, the Saint Paul Seminary Institute for Diaconate Formation exists to discern this vocation with you and provide the formation needed to serve as a joyful, permanent deacon for the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis."


catholic deacon smiling outside the saint paul seminary

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Meet the 17 Saint Paul Seminary deacons who will be ordained priests this year

Meet the 17 Saint Paul Seminary deacons ordained priests this year

Seventeen seminarians or former seminarians from The Saint Paul Seminary will be ordained priests this spring and summer.
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