Grace and peace to you,
We have spent the last week on retreat in Assisi, led by Msgr. Martin Schlag. He has led us through meditations on some of the most foundational and life changing realities of living a life as a Catholic. He has been inviting us to enter into a prayer for deeper conversion as we prepare for the next step of priestly ordination. This time has been a gift to step away from the busyness, and return to the communion the Lord desires with us. I want to take a moment to thank him for his generosity this week in leading us.
I also want to take a moment to extend our gratitude to Fr. Scott Carl, who has truly been a Father to us this JTerm. He has been an example of the missionary spirit of the Church, a gentle guide, and a humble teacher.
There are countless others who have made this month of prayer, education, and pilgrimage possible. Thank you to the benefactors who help make this trip a reality. Thank you to the prayer warriors who helped carry us each day. Thank you to the faculty and staff who have worked hard on the preparations for us. Thank you to all those who, in a hidden way, have supported us so generously. Thank you to the Church, our Mother, who has gathered us up into Her arms and has loved us. Thank you to the Lord, who has continued to draw us into His Heart.
Thank you, also, to those who have followed along with this blog; I hope in some small way it has helped you to share in our adventures. Feel free to keep those prayer requests coming this semester as we prepare for ordination:
In Christ,
Deacon Bobby Blood