Italy 2020 (SPS Theology IV)

As they approach ordination to priestly ministry, our transitional deacons will experience the universal Church in Rome. Please keep them in your prayers during this time of study and retreat in the Eternal City.

Tu Es Petrus

January 14, 2020
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Yesterday, we had the great honor of meeting the Bishop of Rome, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Servant of the Servants of God – Pope Francis. We were large group of seminarians, so he said (in Spanish) “When people tell me there is a vocations crisis in America, I don’t believe them!” He followed […]

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Saints Everywhere!

January 13, 2020
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We’ve been busy the past few days! On Tuesday, we saw the tomb of St. Peter (no photos allowed, sadly!) It was so cool to learn how thousands of years after his death, an archaeological dig discovered that directly beneath the main altar of St. Peter’s Basilica were the bones of a first century man […]

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Front row seats

January 6, 2020
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Well, not quite front row, but just about as close as it can be! It was fourth row seating for eight of us who were chosen to help prepare the altar and bring communion to concelebrating priests and bishops at the Papal Mass for the Epiphany of Our Lord today. The other five of our […]

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Mass at the Altar of the Crib

Roma in Italia est

January 4, 2020
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Some of the first words most seminarians learn in Latin are “Roma in Italia est,” the first sentence of Hans Ørberg’s “Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata.” For those several of us members of the class of Theology IV who have never been to Rome before, we can now confirm the truth of the sentence: Rome […]

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One Day for One Priest is Thursday, October 10Support
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