We Made it to Mexico

We made it to safe and sound to Mexico City!

Our day yesterday started with a shuttle to the airport at 3:30am from the Saint Paul Seminary and it ended at 6 pm with Mass with the Missionaries of Charity in the Santa Fe neighborhood of Mexico City. We had a little free time to explore the neighborhood where we’ll be staying for the next week. I’m excited to get to be a part of this beautiful community for the next week and to get to work with the Missionaries of Charity starting tomorrow! Please continue to pray for us as we encounter the culture and the poor here in Mexico City.


Bright-eyed Seminarians leave SPS
The view from the plane over Mexico City. Check out all that smog. Some of us can definitely feel it in our throats when we’re our and about.
The Missionaries’ of Charity chapel by night. The sisters don’t much like being photographed, so we waited until after Mass and our holy hour to take this photo.