The Sustacek family isn’t perfect. However, their commitment to Christ, prayer, and worship laid the foundation for Deacon Ryan Sustacek to become a Catholic priest, a milestone he will reach in late May. At the same time, his father Steve is a candidate for the permanent diaconate.
In a presentation to seminarians at The Saint Paul Seminary, Bishop Robert Barron argued that the central theme of the Bible is right worship.
Deacon Nick Vance will be ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis this spring. His father, Deacon Chris Vance, was ordained a permanent deacon in December.
Saint Paul Seminary alum Bishop Joseph Williams has been appointed coadjutor bishop of the Diocese of Camden, New Jersey, the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis announced Tuesday morning.
St. Paul the Apostle is known as possibly the most prolific author in the Bible. At Mass inside St. Mary’s Chapel at The Saint Paul Seminary, Bishop Robert Barron explains how Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus set in motion the evangelical task of every Christian today.
Dr. Derrick Crim recently completed a year as scholar in residence at The Saint Paul Seminary. A longtime adjunct professor at the seminary, Crim has spent the 2023-24 academic year spearheading efforts around cultural empathy and preparing future priests, deacons and lay leaders to minister to those facing traumatic situations.
Catholic Rural Life – and, in many ways, The Saint Paul Seminary – exists to make rural ministry easier. The organization with offices in the seminary’s Archbishop Ireland Memorial Library is celebrating its 100th anniversary this spring, a century of equipping Catholics in rural America to know, love and serve Christ while leading their neighbors to do the same.
Justin Shay, principal at Ave Maria Academy in Maple Grove, Minnesota, has been hired as program director for the seminary’s Certificate in Catholic School Leadership. The certificate program alumnus will replace Dr. Pamela Patnode, who has overseen significant growth and impact since joining the seminary in 2021.
Saint Paul Seminary Rector Fr. Joseph Taphorn joins seminary instructor and renowned catechist Jeff Cavins on his “The Bible in a Year and More” show by Ascension to offer insights on navigating the trials that come with life this side of eternity.
Bishop Robert Barron recently visited The Saint Paul Seminary to share biblical perspectives on the Catholic priesthood. “The central theme of Scripture is right praise,” he told the seminary community, and priests “knit together the universe” by leading this right praise.