Faculty & Staff

Toner, Ph.D., ChrisAdjunct Instructor(651) 962-5793
Rev. Joseph Taphorn, J.C.L.
Taphorn JCL, Rev. JosephRector and Vice President, The Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity (2019)(651) 962-5052jctaphorn@stthomas.edu
Rev. Scott Carl, S.S.L.
Carl S.S.L., Rev. Scott M.Vice Rector and Associate Professor of Sacred Scripture (2004)(651) 962-5776smcarl@stthomas.edu
Rev. John P. Floeder
Floeder S.T.L., Rev. John P.Director of the Propaedeutic Year and Director of Human Formation (2010)(651) 962-5029jpfloeder@stthomas.edu
John Froula, Ph.D.
Froula Ph.D., JohnAssociate Professor of Dogmatic Theology (2014) and Director, Master of Arts in Pastoral Leadership(651) 962-5083jcfroula@stthomas.edu
Gallas S.T.L., Rev. John
Gallas S.T.L., Rev. JohnDirector of the Pre-Theology Program and Instructor of Sacred Theology (2018)(651) 962-5055jagallas@stthomas.edu
Rev. Stephen Gideon
Gideon, Msgr. Stephen G.Director of Worship, Instructor of Liturgical Theology(651) 962-5057gide2960@stthomas.edu
Rev. Nels Gjengdahl
Gjengdahl, Rev. NelsFormation Director and Dean of Men (2023)(651) 962-5066nhgjengdahl@stthomas.edu
Rev. Evan Koop
Koop S.T.D., Rev. Evan S.Instructor of Dogmatic Theology (2016)(651) 962-5076eskoop@stthomas.edu
Rev. Joseph Kuharski
Kuharski, Rev. JosephSpiritual Director & Adjunct Instructor (2023)(651) 962-5068jhkuharski@stthomas.edu
Rev. Michael J. Monshau, O.P.
Monshau O.P., Rev. Michael J.Professor of Homiletics (2019)(651) 962-5089mons2283@stthomas.edu
Msgr. Steven Rohlfs, S.T.D.
Rohlfs S.T.D., Msgr. StevenSpiritual Director (2015)rohl6167@stthomas.edu
fr brian gross saint paul seminary
Rev Brian GrossDirector of Pastoral Formation(651) 962-5968gros5385@stthomas.edu
Kenneth D. Snyder, Ph.D.
Snyder Ph.D., Kenneth D.Associate Academic Dean (2002)(651) 962-5058kdsnyder@stthomas.edu
William B. Stevenson, Ph.D.
Stevenson Ph.D., William B.Associate Dean (2014)(651) 962-5772stev2792@stthomas.edu
Christopher J. Thompson, Ph.D.
Thompson Ph.D., Christopher J.Academic Dean and Professor of Moral Theology (2006)(651) 962-5771cjthompson@stthomas.edu
Rev. Jon Vander Ploeg
Vander Ploeg, Rev. JonDirector of Spiritual Formation (2019)(651) 962-5784vand0036@stthomas.edu
Wanless Ph.D., Brandon L.
Wanless Ph.D., Brandon L.Assistant Professor of Dogmatic Theology (2022)(651) 962-5061wanl0201@stthomas.edu
Christian D. Washburn, Ph.D.
Washburn Ph.D., Christian D.Professor of Dogmatic Theology (2008)(651) 962-5792wash0777@stthomas.edu
Dr. Elena Bird Zolnick
Dr. Elena Bird ZolnickDirector of Sacred Music(651) 962-5779zoln3579@stthomas.edu
Mollner, CatherineAdjunct Instructor(651) 962-5797 (Faculty Support)jeslattery@stthomas.edu
Evans, Fr. BryceAdjunct Instructor(651) 962-5797 (Faculty Support)
Maines, Dean T.Adjunct Instructor(651) 962-5797 (Faculty Support)
Michalak, Dcn. JosephAdjunct Instructor(651) 962-5797 (Faculty Support)
Rohlfs, Msgr. StevenAdjunct Instructor(651) 962-5797 (Faculty Support)
Slattery, Dr. JasonAdjunct Instructor(651) 962-5797 (Faculty Support)
Spencer, Dr. MarkAdjunct Instructor(651) 962-5797 (Faculty Support)
Stoffel, GayleAdjunct Instructor(651) 962-5797 (Faculty Support)
Lessard, Dr. AlexAdjunct Instructor(651) 962-5797 (Faculty Support)
Grimes, AndrewAdjunct Instructor(651) 962-5797 (Faculty Support)
Dahlman, AlisonAdjunct Instructor(651) 962-5797 (Faculty Support)
Crim, Dr. DerrickAdjunct Instructor(651) 962-5797 (Faculty Support)
Carter, SarahAdjunct Instructor(651) 962-5797 (Faculty Support)
Tadlock, AmyAdjunct Instructor(651) 962-5797 (Faculty Support)
Van Sloun, Rev. MichaelAdjunct Instructor(651) 962-5797 (Faculty Support)
Thomas, AnthonyAdjunct Instructor(651) 962-5797 (Faculty Support)
Northenscold, Fr. MatthewAdjunct Instructor(651) 962-5797 (Faculty Support)
Backman, SamAdjunct Instructor(651) 962-5797 (Faculty Support)
Carpenter Ph.D., BernardAdjunct Instructor(651) 962-5797 (Faculty Support)carp8354@stthomas.edu
Clemenson, Ph.D., DavidAdjunct Instructor
Ennis, JamesAdjunct Instructor(651) 962-5956enni2011@stthomas.edu
Ferdinandt Ed.D., KevinAdjunct Instructorkwferdinandt@stthomas.edu
Grant, Ph.D., W. MatthewsAdjunct Instructor
Hoffmann, Sr. Mary Micaela M.Adjunct Instructor(651) 962-5797 (Faculty Support)hoff4120@stthomas.edu
Pedersen, Dr. ErikAdjunct Instructorerik.pedersen@stthomas.edu
Kennedy, Ph.D., RobertAdjunct Instructor(612) 930-0860musi3766@stthomas.edu
Hippler, Dr. ArthurAdjunct Instructoramhippler@stthomas.edu
DeJak, JohnAdjunct Instructor
Rossotti, Rev. PietroAdjunct Instructor(651) 962-5797 (Faculty Support)ross3653@stthomas.edu
Niskanen, Dr. PaulAdjunct InstructorPVNISKANEN@stthomas.edu
Cavins, Jeffery
Cavins, JefferyExecutive Fellow(651) 962-5028 (Kelly Wahlquist)jcavins@stthomas.edu


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